An outsider to American politics spending more than a few minutes watching CNN and other left-leaning media would likely come away with a less than favorable view of conservatives and Republicans in America, and could very well think of the Democratic Party as a sort of light-in-the-dark of American politics. Democrats and their media bards spare no expense in painting those who fall to the right of the center as heartless monsters with no regard for humanity or the lives of others. While they suggest that Republicans want to send your poor grandmother hurtling off a cliff, or stuff innocent children into dog cages, or see members of the LGBT community beaten in the streets, Democrats go to extraordinary lengths to conceal their own blood soaked hands.
From the brutal exile of the Native Americans, to the desolation of the Civil War, from the race riots of the mid 20th century, all the way to the deaths of millions today, the Democratic party rivals some of history's worst tyrants in carnage and body count. The Party leaders have become masters of the game of playing savior while dealing death, even at the expense of their own supporters. Whether its breathlessly sending American soldiers to die in their own pursuit of wealth, prestige, and empire, or mindlessly murdering Americans in the streets for being the wrong skin color, Democrats have done it all. If you peel back the Democrats silken veil, the lesus naturae beneath can be seen for what it really is.
Today's Democratic Party got its start early on in the life of the nation, forming in the wake of the electoral landslide that gave us President Andrew Jackson. Because of his seemingly overwhelming support across the nation, supporters of Jackson saw themselves as being more in-touch with the will of the American people and took for themselves the name Democrats. Not one to terry, President Jackson wasted no time aiming the ire of his party at one of the countries most vulnerable communities, the native tribes of the southeast.
In his 1829 State of the Union Address Jackson called for legislation that would force native American tribes out of several U.S. states. In 1830 the Indian Removal Act was passed, supported by nearly every Democrat and opposed by nearly every other member of congress. The legislation required the complete removal of the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes from their homes in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana to lands west of the Mississippi River.
The Cherokee Removal Memorial Park In Tennessee
It Lists The Family Names of Every Cherokee Family
Forced To Leave And The Number of Members In Each Family
The Chief of the Cherokee nation, John Ross, traveled to Washington D.C. in an attempt to negotiate alternatives to removal with the U.S., pleading with officials to honor their treaties with his people, but the pleas fell on deaf ears. Many Christian leaders and members of the National Republican Party (a Party born out of opposition to Andrew Jackson) like American icon Davey Crockett opposed the Indian Removal Act. Well known Georgia missionary Elizur Butler traveled the Trail of Tears with the Cherokee people during their exile, serving as their doctor along the way. When it was over, Elizur estimated roughly 4,000 Cherokee men, women, and children had died, a fifth of the entire Cherokee population.
Roughly 50,000 natives were forced to march from the southeast to their new homes in the Midwest along the Trail ofTears. More than 1,000 miles in some cases, the arduous journey had to be made on foot. Entire generations-old tribal nations were torn up by the root. When the last resettlements were completed in 1839 roughly 10,000 natives had died along the trail.
In 1844 another Democrat was elected, President James K. Polk. Shortly after taking office in 1845, Polk attempted to purchase Mexico's northern territories, essentially half of the country. When Mexico refused the sale President Polk responded with military provocation, sending United States soldiers to the Rio Grande in Texas, which had long been disputed territory claimed by both countries. Polk was attempting to goad Mexico into a War, and Mexico aimed to defend its sovereignty.
The ensuing conflict, known as the Mexican-American War, resulted in an overwhelming victory by the United States. Their technological and tactical superiority allowed Polk to attack Mexico and its northern territories simultaneously, seizing Monterey California, invading New Mexico, supporting the pro-U.S. Bear Flag Revolt in Northern California, and invading as far south as the Mexican Capital, Mexico City.
One of the most heart-wrenching episodes of the conflict played out on the ramparts of Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City. Six teenage military cadets, affectionately known today as NiñosHéroes or "Boy Soldiers", took up positions in the Castle to defend it from the invading American soldiers. When it became clear that they would be overrun one of the boys, Juan Escutia, took the Mexican flag flying over the castle, wrapped it around his body, and threw himself from the walls of the castle to prevent the American attackers from capturing it. He sacrificed his life to do so.
Monument To The Six Boy Soldiers In Mexico City
With their capital city under U.S. control, Mexican officials had no choice but to concede to President Polk's conditions for peace, which were both terribly harsh and predictable. Polk demanded that Mexico sell all of its northern territories to the United States for fifteen million dollars, which include land making up the future states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, and that Mexico recognize the Rio Grande as the border between itself and Texas. By the end of the war more than 25,000 Mexicans and 13,000 Americans were dead.
It's no secret that it was the Democrats determination to maintain a slavery based agricultural economy in the South that ultimately led to the events of 1861-1865. The Confederate government, made almost entirely of Democrats, was blisteringly clear in their legislation, speeches, and ordinances of secession that maintaining African slavery was paramount to the cause of the Confederacy. Democratic Vice President of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens claimed that slavery "was the immediate cause of the late rupture and current revolution". He gave what came to be called "The Cornerstone Speech" on March 21st of 1861 during which, while comparing the Confederate Constitution to the Declaration of Independence which asserts all men are created equal, he said "Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition".
But slavery and the bloody clash of soldiers aren't the only specters to haunt this chapter of the Democratic Party's history. Draft riots broke out in the Summer of 1863 in Manhattan, New York when hundreds of northern democrats took to the streets to attack black citizens and burn black businesses and homes, including an orphanage for black children and a Republican newspaper office, expressing outrage that their sons and husbands were being sent to die in a war to free slaves. More than 100 people would be killed during the riots. The anti-black and anti-Republican sentiment was so strong among Northern Democrats that President Lincoln had serious doubts about his ability to be reelected in 1864.
Arlington National Cemetery Began As A Civil War Military Burial Ground
By the time the war ended dozens of cities were left in ashes and an entire generation of American's were dead. While official casualty numbers rest around 620,000 northern and southern combined deaths, most historians acknowledge that rural civilian deaths due to shortages, sickness, and mistreatment by military occupiers likely put the number slightly closer to 800,000. By comparison the United States would have to suffer roughly 6,000,000 casualties today to equate to the losses of the time. Democrat lust for power and continued disregard for human life had resulted in an American holocaust.
The period after the end of the war known as Reconstruction saw the rise of America's original homegrown terrorist organization. The Ku Klux Klan was formed by former Confederates in Pulaski, Tennessee, and would lead a reign of terror across the country as the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party. They engaged in the lynching and murder of countless white Republicans and now free blacks. Their vitriol was especially brutal toward southern white Republicans who they saw as race traitors of the highest order and their reign of terror would last well into the 20th century.
The Ku Klux Klan's violence became so destructive and widespread that the Republican led Congress passed the Ku KluxKlan Act in 1871, authorizing Republican President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK and implementing martial law in nine South Carolina counties which had essentially been taken over by the organization. The organization went through surges and falls in membership before losing most of its influence shortly after the time of the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Between 1882 and 1968 more than 4,700 Klan related lynching's were officially reported in the United States. How many actually took place we will never know.
Reconstruction Era Democratic Party Propaganda
Democrats Relied On Racial Division As Much Then As Now
But the Klan didn't lose all of its influence with Democrats. In fact, some "former" klansmen remained politically relevant even well into the 2000s. Former Ku Klux Klan recruiter Robert Byrd would go on to represent West Virginia in the U.S. Senate. While he claimed to have left the Ku Klux Klan in 1943, he wrote a letter to the Klan's leader in 1946, saying in part "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia". When Byrd died in 2010 he was still a member of the U.S. Senate and he was mourned by modern Democrats like Barak Obama, who said of Byrd after his death "He was a Senate icon, he was a Party leader, he was an elder statesmen, and he was my friend". 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was a very close friend of Byrd, and referred to him as a "mentor" after his death.
One of the Democratic Party's most entrenched political positions is that for support of the unfettered murder of unborn, and in some cases born, children. "The Right to Choose" is championed by Democrats as much, if not more so, than any other political position in modern American politics. They dont only defend the practice. Democrats have stood shoulder to shoulder with the organization Planned Parenthood in their crusade to end the lives of those seen as "undesirable" to the organizations founder for nearly a century.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was painfully clear about the goal of her work: to rid the world of people of whom she didn't approve through abortion. Besides being a believer in the ideology of eugenics (the practice of removing undesirable traits from humanity on a genetic level), Sanger was an unabashed racist, said to have referred to people of african descent as "the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development". Shes a hero to the Democratic Party to this day.
Memorial To The Unborn
Lacrosse, Wisconsin
Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has been working tirelessly to help Sangers dream become a reality, and they've been doing it with taxpayer money. The overwhelming majority of Planned Parenthood facilities which perform abortions are located in economically vulnerable communities and communities of color. Visit any predominate black community in America and chances are there is a Planned Parenthood clinic not far away. Year after year, abortions are performed on black children at extremely higher rates than their white counterparts. In 2015, according to theCDC, 60.8% of abortions conducted in the State of Georgia were performed on black mothers, while black citizens made up only 32% of the population. That same year in New York State more black babies were aborted than born.
But this epidemic isn't just about race, its a tragedy for America as a whole. According to the CDC the leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2014 was Heart Disease, killing 614,348 Americans. That same year 926,000 abortions were performed in the country. In 2017 the leading cause of death remained Heart Disease, despite the fact that more than 862,000 American children were murdered before they drew their first breath. Killing more Americans each year than anything else, over 62 million of our fellowAmericans have been put to death through this practice since 1973, and the blood is on the hands of the Democratic Party.