Sunday, March 1, 2020



     The BLEXIT movement that is ushering black Americans out of the Democratic Party in droves was a long time coming. Since the end of the Civil Rights movement Democrats have been working tirelessly to whitewash their disgusting history of racial supremacy and disdain for equality. As far back as the 1970s black Americans have been shaking off the chains of the Democratic Party, defying Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnsons prediction that he would "have these [African Americans] voting democrat for the next 200 years"

     Fortunately, many people of color are seeing the deceptions and manipulation of the Democratic Party for what it is, and that alone is throwing a major wrench in the Party's ability to hold their conglomeration of conflicting minority groups together. While the majority of black voters are still under the misleading sway of the left, a growing number are BLEXITing the Party in search of more beneficial, conservative waters. And its not just black and brown people who are casting off their Democratic shackles. Another traditionally reliable voting block for the  Democrats, the LGB(T) community, has started to experience some fracturing of its own, with a growing number throwing down their Democrat registration cards and taking up the banner of conservatism under the guidance of young LGB(T) voices like Brandon Straka and Blaire White.


     For the overwhelming majority of the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) community, their primary political objective was accomplished in 2015 when the supreme court recognized the right of same-sex couples to marry in all 50 States. While there were still some small scale issues in a handful of states such as adoption rights, these didn't affect the vast majority of LGB Americans. While that's great news for the LGB community, it wasn't such good news for the Democratic Party. With gay marriage being a matter of settled law that most Republicans weren't interested in challenging, Democrats were at risk of losing one of their most important talking points and outspoken supporters.

Gender Identity Protests Often Incorporate The Rainbow To 
Suggest Support of The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community

     Politically involved members of the LGB community generally have education and disposable income well above the national average. Politically involved LGB people also tend to be very outspoken, involved, and active in the campaigns and movements they support. If the Democratic Party could no longer hold the interest of the LGB community now that gay marriage was a problem of the past, they would need another way to keep them involved and supporting the Democrats. Enter the 1,276 new genders and sexual orientations that have been invented since 2015.

     Its no coincidence that the gender-fluid, non-binary, 100+ gender movement started only months after the Supreme Court Decision recognizing gay marriage as a constitutional right. Unfortunately, those less contemporary conservatives to challenged gay marriage out of fear of "opening a Pandora's box" only had their prophecies fulfilled by Democrats and the new LGBTQIANME activists who began demanding rights to all sorts of things that had nothing to do with Lesbians, Gays, or Bisexuals. The right to identify either gender on demand, regardless of outward appearance, the right of a fully grown male presenting man to enter a women's restroom, the right of male students to undress in girls locker rooms as school, the insistence that men can have periods, and a clown car of other new and increasingly outrageous assertions were all being brought center state in American politics. 

"Drag Queen Story Hour" Is A New Trend Involving 
 Drag Queens Reading Books On LGBT Themes To Children 

     It wasn't that these new groups were asserting themselves that brought them into direct conflict with the pre-2015 LGB community, but the fact that it was being done in the name of the LGB(T) community that began to rub some members the wrong way.


     While it made its appearance in the community through the gender-confusion delusion beginning in 2015, this new fire of politically correct dogma quickly ran through the LGBT social community across the United States, with its fan being flamed by far-left activists and politicians continuously reinforcing in the media the idea that Lesbians, Gay, and Bisexuals are and should be put into the same social category as the plethora of new genders, identities, and sexualities. Race also quickly became a divisive topic in the gay community where it previously had not been. Gays and lesbians who dare assert their sexual attraction to a particular race over another would be publicly shammed and cast out of their social circles. Gay men who choose not to be sexually involved in someone who was transgender would be attacked as a transphobic bigot. Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals were losing their place in their own community.

"Non-Binary" and "Gender-Fluid" Activists Like Alok Menon (above) Often
Suggest That They Speak For The Entire LGB(T) Community

     Since 2015 members Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals have reported a noticeable decrease in overall acceptance of "gay folks" in general as opposed to the trend of the previous decade. While the left would have you believe this is a result of the election of Donald Trump, and his "homophobic" and "bigoted" agenda, the real reason is actually far more tragic. Since 2015 every outlandish "LGBTQIA" activist that has made a public scene, every wedding cake lawsuit, every bathroom law, and every new gender has been carried out in the name of the "LGBTQIAIXISHE" community, inevitably lumping your everyday Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual individual into the chaos as far as the public is concerned. 


     Whether its because they're leaving because of the nonsense being done in their name, or simply because they've given up on politics all together, polls in 2018 and 2019 show a steadily increasing number of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and even transgender individuals leaving the Democratic Party and identifying as conservative. While not all "gay folk" who leave the Democrats are taking up arms with the Republican Party because of what some see as underlying issues between the GOP and "Gay community", many are swearing off the Democratic Party for good. That being said, many new "Contemporary Conservative" networks and communities are emerging, conservatives with more progressive positions on a select few social issues and stronger conservative views on others. These growing new factions of the conservative and Republican movements show promise of a bright future for members of the LGB community on the right side of the political spectrum, where they can succeed based on their own accomplishments, without having to subscribe to perpetual deception, manipulation, and exploitation. 

Republican President Donald Trump Became The First
World Leader To Call For Global Decriminalization of Homosexuality 
and Launched An Initiative To Advance That Goal

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